
What is Joseph’s House?
Joseph’s House is a medical respite care provider. We offer housing, medical care, hospice, and support services for people who are unstably housed and have HIV/AIDs or terminal cancer. Joseph’s House offers a compassionate home for people who have nowhere else to go after leaving hospital or other medical care, and who are too ill to return to shelters or the streets.

Who do we serve?
We give first priority to people living with poorly controlled HIV/AIDs. Other diagnoses include terminal cancer and HIV with unmanaged comorbidities. These often include uncontrolled diabetes, COPD, kidney disease, hypertension, heart disease, and other serious medical conditions. Many residents also have co-occurring serious mental illness, substance use disorders, or require wound care.

Who can make a referral?
Referrals can come from physicians, social workers, and case managers from Washington, D.C. hospitals and clinics, as well as shelters, prison infirmaries, and from individuals themselves. Once we receive a referral, our nurses review it for current health status, diagnosis, and the suitability of our care for the individual.

To make a referral, please call and speak to one of our nurses at 202-265-7174; 202-234-8195 (fax).